Neurologic symptoms of osteochondrosis in lumbosacral part of the spine (as well as radiculitis and myositis in this region)

The application zones

Main 7, 8; additional 9, 18; subsidiary 22, 26, 28, 30, 31.

General recommendations

For neurologic symptoms of osteochondrosis in lumbosacral part of the spine lie on the applicators, laid in the right way, with the loin, and you should also place the applicators along the whole spine. On the condition of good endurance, it is possible to place the applicators under the whole area of the back, loin and pelvis.

For example, if there are expressed, lingering pains on the left in points A1, A2 or A3 you should not stimulate these points in the first days of treatment; it is advisable to stimulate the symmetric points or other points, located below: at the beginning of treatment apply the applicators to the points A1, A2, A3 + C on the right, and in 2-3 days stimulate all the zones with the applicator plate for 20-40 minutes, with the applicator roller for 10-15 minutes.

Good therapeutic effect can be produced by wearing, during the intervals between the sessions, the small applicators on the zones A1, A2, A3 on the left, B1 on the right, B1 on the left for 1-3 hours.


Good therapeutic effect can be achieved only if all the advice is followed correctly, and if the zones and method of stimulation are selected individually.

For chronic condition as well as for prevention of osteochondrosis in lumbosacral, lumbar and chest parts of the spine, it is advisable to wear the small applicators and the applicators belts on the most painful zones (loin, sciatic nerve) - zones 26-28, 7-8.

For ischeoradiculitis (lumbago in a leg) it is good to affect the symmetric zone of the other leg (zones 26-28 on the left), and corresponding zones on the hands and feet.

Additional recommendation

For pains in the low abdomen, sacrum, loin and lower extremities as well as for small intestine disorders apply the applicators to lumbar and to sacrum and buttocks region (zones 7, 8, 9) for 15-30 minutes. To make the effect stronger combine the stimulation of the abovementioned zones with the application of the shanks. Finish the session with the application of the feet (5-10 minutes).

Successful treatment of lumbosacral radiculitis is conditioned by the following factors: approach to the treatment (it should be complex and individual), selection of the points, method of stimulation.
